As you look toward your future in massage therapy, you are likely looking for guidance to help carve your reputation and practice within the Canadian massage therapy landscape. Your hands are your trade, but what is seldom initially considered is that paired with the right equipment you will enhance your everyday practice, have more positive outcomes for your patients, and set yourself apart from your peers.
Tables are the most crucial tool of your trade, and technology has positively made an impact on the table options available. Here are 5 tips to help you choose your table:
Patients come in different heights and sizes, being able to quickly adjust the height of the table is important. Electric elevation allows for quick and effective adjustments during treatment.
Do your research because patient comfort is important. Many manufacturers print misleading information on pad thickness. Three-inch foam is often claimed but 1.5-inch foam is more commonly used and assembled to appear 3 inches thick.
Find Health Canada approved manufacturers. Purchase tables with a minimum dynamic lifting capacity of 500 lbs. This means the table is built to hold substantial weight long term.
Your table should last 15 to 20 years. When purchasing your table consider all optional features. Don’t miss out on an option that you may regret not having as you learn new techniques.
Tables are large investments, it should provide you with years of dependable service. Choose a low maintenance table, and if repairs are required table parts should easily be accessible.
As you choose your table, don’t hesitate to ask a lot of questions. What makes the table different? How and where is it manufactured? How will the table improve your practice and patient outcomes?
For free consultation and questions please call 905-319-1960 or email
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